Mesotherapy is a technique, invented in 1952 by Dr. Michel Pistor, where medication is injected into the mesoderm, the layer of fat and connective tissue under the skin. Over the past 50+ years, in excess of 15,000 physicians world-wide have used Mesotherapy on a daily basis for a variety of purposes, including weight loss, spot weight reduction, cellulite reduction, scar revision and wrinkle elimination.

In 1987, the French Academy of Medicine recognized Mesotherapy as an inherent part of traditional medicine. The International Society of Mesotherapy encompasses 14 countries throughout Europe and South America. In Mesotherapy, very small doses of different medications are administered in specific areas, depending on the condition being treated. The medicines and plant extracts that we use at Mesotherapy Associates, P.C. are obtained from local pharmaceutical companies in the United States. All medicines used are FDA-approved for their use. In combination, medicines for Mesotherapy are used for off-label purposes. A recent illustration of this distinction is Botox. Although Botox was FDA approved for controlling muscle spasms, the medical community embraced it for its cosmetic properties of controlling wrinkles. For many years, plastic surgeons and dermatologists used Botox for off-label purposes.


The medications that are used in Mesotherapy melt the fat beneath the skin and shrink the fat cells in the scarpa's fascia layer. The fat dissolves and, as occurs when fat is broken down during typical weight loss, is carried through the bloodstream and excreted by kidneys and bowel. Cellulite is caused by connective tissue bands that hold down the skin, trapping the fat and thereby causing the "dimpling" effect. The medications used in Mesotherapy can help destroy the connective tissue bands and melt the trapped fat, creating a smooth, dimple-free appearance.


Using a very tiny needle (0.4 to 0.6 cm or the size of an eyelash), the medication is injected into the mesoderm relatively painless. This occurs because the needle is specially manufactured to deliver the medicine in a series of painless injections in a typical treatment. Sometimes the technique of "multi-pricking" is used, where a number of swift, painless injections are concentrated in a specific area. Although "multi-pricking" can be done by hand, a mechanical delivery system may also be used that delivers the medicine in a more accurate fashion with even less discomfort to the patient. Patients have universally responded that the treatments cause less pain than a momentary, light pinch.

All patients undergoing Mesotherapy will be asked to follow a low carbohydrate, low sugar, natural healthy diet, which will be easy to follow; And because toxins are eliminated, lots of water is used to flush these substances, along with dissolved fat, out of the body. Exercise is needed to circulate the medications used, with either walking or another form of aerobic activity, three times a week.


Adults between the ages of 18 - 75 and in good health are candidates for Mesotherapy for weight loss, spot weight reduction, and cellulite reduction. Patients who are pregnant, on blood thinners, are insulin-dependent diabetics, on medication for heart arrhythmias, have severe heart disease or have cancer are not candidates for cosmetic Mesotherapy. We are happy to discuss your medical problems and medications during a consultation.


Patients Who Are Pregnant Or Breastfeeding
Insulin Dependent Diabetics
History Of Stroke
History Of Recent Cancer
History Of Blood Clots
Patients On Multiple Medications For Heart Disease
Any Active Skin Or General Disease


Mesotherapy For overall weight loss:
Mesotherapy results are measured in inches. Because fat is melted under the skin, about one pound of fat per week is lost. - Equal to four sticks of butter! The Mesotherapy treatment is applied to arms, waist, hips, back, and legs all in one session. Patients can lose up to four inches on their waist, hips, and thighs.

For cellulite:
Mesotherapy is a permanent solution that eliminates dimpling and misshapen fat under the skin. Cellulite is an accumulation of fat, fluid, and toxins trapped in a hardened network of connective tissue fibers in the Mesoderm layer. The fat cells inflate, causing a rippling and puckering of the skin, commonly referred to as orange peel skin. Lymphatic and venous circulation is poor in these areas. Mesotherapy is used to cause an increase in venous and lymphatic flow, as well as the elimination of fat and dimpling in the area. A patient's skin appears significantly smoother. Most patients lose anywhere from two to four inches where their cellulite is treated.

For spot weight reduction:
Mesotherapy is a painless alternative to liposuction. Fat and cellulite are eliminated from targeted sites using the same techniques as above. Unlike liposuction, only the fat (not the fat cells) is removed. Some patients can lose two to six inches in their saddle bags, hips, thighs, waist, love handles, back fat and chin when medicine is placed in those areas. Mesotherapy is not used to reduce fatty tumors or breast tissue in women.


Mesotherapy is a safe, nonsurgical technique for weight loss, spot weight reduction, and for eliminating cellulite from heavy thighs, abdomen, hips and buttocks. Targeted areas can be reduced by melting fat under the skin. Cellulite is dramatically reduced using this method. The cost of Mesotherapy depends upon the areas treated and the number of sessions required. From time to time, we offer a promotional special.

Call for a consultation today and experience the fast and amazing results of Mesotherapy treatments.


"NO DOWNTIME" PEEL (Superficial peel)


Skin peels of varying descriptions have been used for thousands of years. According to historical accounts, ancient civilizations used masks composed of sour milk or wine residues to improve their appearance. Today, we may not use milk or wine, but chemical peels remain a proven method to help regain the smooth, healthy complexion you desire.

Chemical peels can be used to treat wrinkles, sunspots, and facial scarring. Peels are most commonly performed on the face, and neck, although the chest, hands, arms, and legs can also be treated depending on the type of peel that is used. By varying the amount of chemical applied, you can get different depths of peel while using the same chemical agent. A deep peel results in the regeneration of collagen, the protein that is a major component in the body’s connective tissue. A superficial peel can achieve good results with repeated applications.

Talk with Dr. David Ikudayisi about the peel that would work best for you.


You may be a candidate for a chemical peel if:
Your skin has brown spots
You are bothered by wrinkles
You have acne prone skin
Your face has a dull complexion
You are looking your age or older
You have had too much sun for too long
You would like to look refreshed


About Deep Chemical Peels

While it may sound like a facial, a "deep"; chemical peel is actually a surgical procedure using potent chemicals such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, trichloroacetic acid, phenol and resorcinol. An acid solution is applied to the skin, which dissolves the outer layers, and regenerates collagen in the under laying skin.

The production of collagen decreases with age, and results in skin that is both less resilient and less healthy looking. Sun and ultraviolet rays also play a major role in the decreased collagen production. A chemical peel is a proven method to increase collagen production.

A deep peel may be performed in an outpatient setting. However, because it is difficult to see and care for yourself during the subsequent 48-hour period, someone to stay with you is usually helpful.

A full-face, deep chemical peel requires preoperative medication, usually Valium and an analgesic.

The results of a deep peel are long lasting. A repeat peel done every two years will usually avoid the need for an invasive cosmetic surgical procedure.

About Superficial Chemical Peels

A superficial peel utilizes lower concentration of peeling agents such as alpha hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, phenol, retinoids, and vitamin C. A superficial peel addresses only the outer layers of skin, and results in a healthy glow that lasts for several weeks. Repeat peels are necessary to maintain results. Superficial peels are performed on an outpatient basis and no anesthesia is necessary.


After a superficial peel, there may be slight redness, but there are no long-term effects, other than slight peeling.

After a deep peel, the skin develops an exterior crust, which lasts for about a week. During the initial healing period, vigorously moisturizing the skin helps to minimize any dryness or tightness. The skin will initially have a reddish color that may take weeks to fade away completely, but the average person can start wearing makeup and return to work, and his or her social life in a couple of weeks.

A deep chemical peel can be a painful, emotionally difficult process, but the result is a remarkably smoother, relatively wrinkle-free skin that lasts for years.


With a superficial peel, there is slight stinging initially, but a local anesthetic is not required.

With a deep peel, the physician will determine varying methods of relieving pain. After the procedure, there may be discomfort for about six to eight hours. Occasionally, mild-to-significant swelling may occur 24 to 48 hours post peel, and the skin will be sore.

Deep peels may not be for everyone. Dr. will discuss which peel is right for you.


Medical Precautions –
Deep Peel One month prior to the procedure, topical medications can be applied daily to prevent the risk of post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation. An SPF 25 sunscreen should always be applied daily.

Some patients may require oral antiviral medication, which may begin the day of the procedure and continue for 10 days.

Retin A and or glycolic is OK up to one day prior to procedure. Accutane should not be taken for 6 months to 1 yr prior to a deep chemical peel.



Patient will receive a postoperative telephone call the evening of the procedure, and seen in the office approximately 7 days after the peel. The patient will have access to the physician during normal office hours, unless there is an emergency.

Home-Care Instructions:

Patient should keep the skin moist through frequent and liberal use of water, a moisturizer, and sunscreen.

Patient may gently splash, one part water mixed with one part vinegar to the peeled areas when peeling begins. Patients report this helps with the healing process.

A hydrocortisone cream may be used for any irritated areas. And a non irritant moisturizer EX: Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Cream - Deep Moisture Creamy Formula Washing with a gentle cleanser is recommended twice a day. Rubbing or abrading the skin must be avoided. Any type of makeup or hair spray must be avoided until the peeling process is completed. Use sunscreen with SPF of at least 25. Avoid sunlight as much as possible until peeling is complete. Patient should never pull at the exfoliating skin or help it peel. Doing so may increase the healing time and may even lead to darkened pigment, redness, or scarring.

Occasionally, mild-to-significant swelling (edema) may occur 24 to 48 hours post-peel. Ice packs used the first 24 to 48 hours of swelling are recommended for comfort. Topical, oral, or IM cortisone may be used to control significant swelling. The patient should be reassured that the swelling will subside, and continue moisturizing several times a day.

Dr David Ikudayisi’s superficial peel is a unique blend of active cosmeceutical ingredients, creating one of the safest 15 minute “no downtime” medical peel. Patients can receive this therapy during their lunch hour.


A dramatic improvement in epidermal texture; age spots, freckles, and superficial pigmentation are less obvious; enlarged pores are less visible, creating a softer, smoother, younger-looking skin.


You may experience a slight irritation (much like a sunburn or wind-chapped feel); this is temporary and should subside within an hour after the procedure.


A mild to moderate flaking occurs 2 to 4 days after the procedure, and can be controlled with moisturizers.

Patients can achieve dramatic improvement in epidermal texture, tone, lessening of superficial lines, and a healthier, more youthful look and feel with no “downtime”. This renewal process clinically proven to help pigmentation problem (such as age spots) fade, stimulates collagen production in the cells underneath and prepares the skin to receive maximum results prior to other cosmetic procedures.

No DOWNTIME PEEL(Superficial peel)

Home-care instructions;

Immediately after the peel, your skin will be light yellow. This is temporary and will fade in a short period of time.

Your skin may be more red or tan in color than usual for 2 to 3 days. Please avoid strenuous exercise during this time.

Approximately 48 hours after treatment, your skin will start peeling. The peeling will last about 2 to 3 days. You are advised to refrain from picking the skin, to resolve redness and irritation.

When washing your face, do not scrub. Use a gentle cleanser, or any other soap less-cleanser.

Apply light moisturizers twice daily, or as often as needed to relieve dryness and tightness. Try not to rub moisturizer deep into the skin, as this sometimes can cause blemishes. EX: Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Cream - Deep Moisture Creamy Formula

Use sunscreen with SPF of at least 25, and avoid sunlight as much as possible for 2 to 3 days.

Do not have any facial treatment for at least one week after your peel.

You may resume the regular use of products or bleaching creams ONLY after the peeling process is complete.